For our last class before the holiday and new year break, I wanted to try something that would (hopefully) be fun. We read several two-line poems from Joshua Beckman & Matthew Rohrer's collaborative book, Nice Hat. Thanks, and talked a bit about the process the two poets used when writing poems together. Students then counted off, and were put in groups based on their number. Each wrote three starting lines for as many separate poems, passing them on to others in their group, who added their own lines, creating a series of short group poems. Students were encouraged to think fast, and make "sense" only if they wanted to, or could.
About Hands on Stanzas
Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at) for more information.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Collaborative Poems
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Color Poems
Ms. Barreda, 8th Grade
Rolando C.
Red is on my mind.
Red starts with two persons.
Red goes straight to the heart.
Red is like blood.
When someone bleeds.
Red is like love.
When two people are in love.
When a guy brings red roses to
a girl, when he tells her that
he likes her, that he's in love
with her.
Red is when somebody
hurts you.
When somebody makes you cry.
Red is like you.
Red is like your heart.
When you die you wouldn't
have no more red in your
Red is like happiness.
Tonya P.
The life of a pure
The white light of heaven.
A single piece of perfect
The other half of yin and
The color of a peaceful dove.
Warm cotton blanket
that protects me from
the dark.
The happiness that gives
me a smile on my face.
Edgar T.
Blue is a very beautiful color,
as bright as the sky, beautiful like
it. When I think or see the color
blue, it really gets my attention.
It's bluetiful.
When the color blue is mixed
it may get me a little more attention.
The color blue is a color everyone
would probably love. It brings light,
Blue is my favorite color
to think of, see.
Diego V.
Black is my room
not only because of
the color of the
walls but because
of the memories.
The memories are
bright just like
the color red.
I've been through
blue and red memories
that I just can't forget.
I wish I could change
someday from black and
red to blue someday.
Mrs. Turk, 7th Grade
Erika C.
Red is
my heart
and it
looks like
a heart
and I
love red
the rose
is red.
Leslie H.
It's the color of the sky at 5 o'clock
when the sun sets in mid summer.
It's the color of a baby's cheeks.
It's my favorite color.
It's the color of my cousin's face when she
It's the color of my iPod.
It's the feeling I have when my
heart is dancing.
It's the inside of a strawberry and the
color of cotton candy.
It's the color of my closet, the color
of my room and the color of my bed.
It's everything I just said.
Jeremy M.
Blue is the color of the
sky that goes
over our heads.
And the waters
below the surface
we stand on.
Blue is the
color of day
and color
of thoughts.
It calms down all
of your problems.
It drifts
you out of
the world
to a world of peace.
Nothing to worry about
and be scared of, the color
Lily O.
Black is the goddess of darkness.
It follows you to the park.
It is not afraid to show itself in broad daylight.
It mimics you in front of the sun.
It follows you into the night.
Night blackens the sky and reveals
the true nature of glittering diamonds far above
the head. Black wears the stars to show the world
that she is wealthy.
Black is the shadow that never leaves
you alone.
Shadow comforts you when you are lonely,
it is your best friend.
Black absorbs heat to keep you warm
even though the sound, Black, is cold and lonely.
It tries to comfort, even when it's lonely.
Black chooses people to comfort, you choose
Black to be your friend.
Alma R.
Green is everywhere
The sound of it rustles with the wind
The grass greens in spring
A leaf greens across the car
Lingers on the window.
I see a green walk in the hall
It waves at me.
I see someone green as they put on
their sweater.
The leg greens as it is bruised
When I was running through the field
And green as I fall on the grass.
Ms. Touras, 6th Grade
Fernando B.
The sun is yellow like a
light bulb
A banana is yellow like a
The protractor is also yellow
like my pencil
My folder is yellow like my
science project board
The sun makes heat just
like the light bulb in your
My favorite color is yellow
I like yellow because
he is so helpful
Elik J.
Blue, its surface is
soft and it feels slow, feeling
blue all around as if blue were
the earth, going round and round, spinning.
Like a jolt of sorrow, it goes
from place to place, going around.
The My Color Town is Change in Clock
Victor N.
So this is my town my town
is always change in like
two o clock is purple. Today my
town clock right now one o clock
is white one hour later is
two o clock is red one hour more
is three o clock is purple one
hour more four o clock is
yellow one hour more is five
o clock is green one hour more
six o clock is orange one hour more
is seven o clock is blue one
hour more is eight o clock is
black one more is nine o clock is
black and white one hour more
is ten o clock is red and green
one more hour it was eleven o clock
it's yellow and blue one hour
more it was twelve o clock it was
Juliana V.
As peaceful as a sunny day.
As calm as the morning sun.
Like a big blanket of snow.
No color just blank.
No thought,
relaxing in peaceful white
never there but always close.
A friend of yours no one can see
so shy it never shows
so clean and calm,
timid, never showing but always there.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Body Part Poems
Ms. Barreda, 8th Grade
Untitled (Body Part Poem)
Angel G.
Eyes are like a camera,
every time you blink it's like taking a picture,
every time that happens it's like a reminder of
something, when you want to look at something
your eyes help you keep the image in mind.
Little Chubby Pinkie
Mayra H.
It's smaller
and fatter
and cuter than anyone else's.
It's like a little sausage
that's so adorable and small.
People might say
ah it's the last finger and it's always left out.
Well not in my case.
Everyone loves it
like a little fat kid
likes pie.
One person that I know
loves my pinkie
is Jorge L., and that's alright.
He's always making fun of the fact
that my pinkie
is fat.
Compare it to anyone else's
pinkie, mine is left
out, so it just curves in my hand
like a little dog in the rain and pouts.
Just because
it's my little chubby pinkie.
A Day as the Real Me
Stephanie P.
Today I wake up and look in
the mirror: I'm not me, I only
see the inside of me, the bones
that hold me up. Today I walk
on the streets, everyone sees me
who I am.
Weird but cool, I see what I'm
made of. I see my arms, the way
my fingers look, my legs, then I
look more deep: I see my heart,
it's as red as an apple, it's as big
as it too or even bigger.
Then I look at my ribs, wow,
so cool, that's what keeps my
upper body and lower body together.
I look one more time in the
mirror. Thanks to all this I have
I'm up and can keep on walking.
I wake up today. I'm me with
skin. I go to school, start writing
and thank my fingers and legs
that keep me going.
Marco Q.
I am small, and downy.
I am barely growing.
But I will soon be full.
All of me is like a baby's skin,
smooth and soft.
But I will be rough and tough soon.
Until then I will grow.
Then there will be a day when I am no more.
But I will come again.
Mrs. Turk, 7th Grade
Untitled (Body Part Poem)
Oscar P.
The brain is a very complex
concept to learn, keeping memory stored
like a flash drive or memory stick.
Looking back at the best moments like
a DVD player. Keeping track
of work like an agenda.
Looking back and reading like
a book.
The brain is our hard drive,
a CPU. Without it I don't
know what I would do.
The brain helps us think,
helps us learn, keeping data
like a computer.
The Face
David R.
The face is an exciting part of the
body. It's like glue. It has two eyes, to
see, a mouth, to talk, a nose, to smell
and two ears so you can listen. It is
also a part that you have to protect when
you're in a match because if you don't
you won't look the same. You'll have two
purple eyes, one bloody nose and mouth and
when you're finished with the match you
get up and are stumbling to the ground
so the match is over and you have lost
not only the fight but
the shape of your face.
Everlasting Beat
Jodi R.
Drumming drumming
I feel so calm
I can feel the tempo
Slow but steady
Then I get nervous
My heart gets louder
The tempo gets faster
Beating so fast
Can't believe
It goes so fast like a roaring car
Then my heart
Slows back down
It's so slow a turtle
Can win in a race with my heart
I start to sleep
Then I hear my last beat
They try to wake me up
But it's no use
My heart is dead
I'm gone
I'm sucked from the world
My heart gone
I'm gone
My body is gone
I keep hearing my last
Kept playing like
a broken record machine
beat, beat, beat
beat . . . .
It's an everlasting
beat . . .
Ms. Touras, 6th Grade
Ruben D.
The fingerprint is like a rope with
different patterns on it. And when you move it
it's like moving the rope. And your
fingerprint is a land to you but you
don't know what's happening right at this
minute. It could be peace there or an evil
war there. That way I like and feel
like an old old man. When I take a shower
and when I get out I become an old
The Brain
Rafael J.
I wonder what happens in
there if there is a party? When
I get scared that happens? When
I have fun does my brain get
upset or does it get angry? When I am
sad does it have fun? I wonder?
When I think about what I am
going to be when I grow
up does my brain get annoyed?
When I just think does my
brain send messages? When I
talk does my brain tell me
what to say? I will never
know what my brain does.
Cody T.
Sitting over a bucket as if to vomit
Go to the doctor
I feel like I'm old
I'm in a wheelchair
Lots of pain
Hard to breathe
Getting poked in the gut
By many doctors
Got a CAT scan
Thought a cat would scan
Drug injection
Feeling tired
On the 9th floor
For two weeks
One night
Constant vomiting
The stomach acid
That's inside of me
Go to school
No stairs or heavy objects
Now I'm back to life
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving Poems
Ms. Barreda, 8th Grade
Rubisel L.
Thanksgiving is a holiday
that me and my family
celebrate. Thanksgiving
is something to eat.
When it's Thanksgiving my
family goes to my aunt's house
to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Every Thanksgiving we eat a
turkey and we go to my
aunt's house.
On Thanksgiving my
family stays up until midnight.
When it's Friday my family calls
us to go eat turkey at their house.
My Thanksgiving
Stephanie P.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving don't know
what to do. Before my whole family and I
got together we all pitched in to make
the food. It was great even though sometimes
we had fights and either me or my
sister end up being mad the whole night but
at the end we were still family. Then
we all sit down and eat. By the end
of the night everyone would go home,
we had finished eating, watching movies
and talking. Wow I never knew how
before my Thanksgiving was so wonderful.
Now hopefully we could do the same thing
this year.
Give Thanks on Thanksgiving
Maydali S.
In my family we
celebrate Thanks-
giving. Not with
turkey because I
don't like it. One
day I had a night-
mare with a
turkey. I dreamed
that once I
was eating turkey
on Thanksgiving Day
and I dreamed that
while I was eating
turkey, the turkey
started to talk to
me and I got so
scared about that
stupid turkey that
I never wanted
to eat it again.
Every time when my
mom is making the
turkey and my mom
asks me to help her,
I always answer, “No
thanks I'm OK.” Every
time when my mom
asks me that question
the turkey talks to
me and he says, “Come
on, Maydali, come
enjoy me.” I get
so nervous that I
say to the turkey,
“Be quiet, stupid
turkey, I am only going
to see you until
tonight, then you're
going to be in the
stomach of everyone.”
Thanksgiving Food
Edgar T.
The Thanksgiving food, turkey, salad,
soon, it is very good when this celebration comes
around that time of year.
Kids are playing, hungry, parents and
older kids are watching the game, friends
and family join as they all pray, then eat
their delicious food. After they had their
Thanksgiving food,
all have given thanks. That's
what this celebration is about.
Mrs. Turk, 7th Grade
Bob the Turkey
Julissa A.
Thanksgiving is the worst holiday for me
I get caught
then chopped
what kind of life
is that?
Why can't you people eat ham
or pizza?
It would taste better
than me.
I promise.
I'm just a baby turkey
named Bob.
Untitled (Thanksgiving Poem)
Ana A.
Turkey turkey
everybody wants
to eat, but what
I like about
Thanksgiving is
almost all my
family is together.
We're having fun.
We get to give thanks
for everything we
We eat apple pie, soda.
Oh my god and the
best turkey is
what everybody
loves to eat.
Happy Thanksgiving
Emily L.
I can so tell
the day is here,
Happy Thanksgiving!
The sound of the timer
going off to let us know
the turkey is done,
Happy Thanksgiving!
The sound of the knife, going
up & down, cutting the vegetables,
Happy Thanksgiving!
The smell of the pumpkin pie,
the smooshy sound of the
mash potatoes & I would name them
but it'll take up sooo much space,
Happy Thanksgiving!
And lastly the big juicy turkey,
we all gather around the
table, thinking what fight is going
to happen this year, who gets
to cut the turkey & who
gets to brave the wish bone,
Happy Thanksgiving!
I look and even with
all the commotion going
on, I'm oh so grateful
for another weird, funny,
happy, cheerful
Victoria R.
We arrive at my aunt's. I
smell the turkey she's
cooking, the potatoes she's
peeling, so I guess it's time
to wait for dinner. So there
I am watching TV and
I hear the
yelling of my name. I set
the table. We get ready
to eat and
then we all eat. So there we
are, eating on Thanksgiving night,
where it is quiet, no loud
noises in sight.
Ms. Touras, 6th Grade
Juan C.
When it comes to
Thanksgiving I
don't like the
turkey, I hate it.
I don't like it
because it looks ugly
and tastes so nasty that
I don't even want
to look at it.
So when it comes
to turkey I just
pass on my plate
to someone else
who wants it.
And then I will
eat something else
that is good like sour candy.
Big Stomach
Joyce J.
I get a big stomach on
Thanksgiving. Never in my life
have I eaten so much.
The dishes are filled with
turkey and sometimes they are
filled with beef jerky.
My favorite is mashed potatoes
with gravy on top, other times it's
hard to wait until they are
That's a big meal but on Thanks-
giving it's not, it's a perfect day
to eat.
Untitled (Thanksgiving Poem)
Elik J.
As we leave
our mom calls us
to get the food
and the drinks so
we could leave,
leave because it is
Thanksgiving. We leave
to the house of
my uncle, kids are
playing, adults talk by
the food. We gather
around the table, we all
pray and give thanks. As we
leave, as I sit thinking of
all the food, the turkey, the gravy,
the family, the colors, green, red,
blue; as I sit I wonder what
will happen next time
we go; but I
will miss the white
meat, covered in silver,
I hope I will
remember this, I hope
next time will be the
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Ms. Barreda, 8th Grade
Ode to Cars
Miguel A.
I open my
window, looking outside
seeing thousands of cars,
thinking when am I going to
have one, looking at those
cars that look like
ants running, big places
to sit, big places to
drive, it's funny when
you see someone drive.
Walking out in the street
counting all those cars,
color after color, it's fun
when you see a car, looking
at the wheels, how they
go so fast.
I see all those big cars
that look like houses,
you don't think it's a
house, the place
with seats around one strong
machine, the make, the
place to move, with
lights in front and back
they help you see
in the dark.
The big machine
with all that
is something
I like and
is called a car.
Ode to Pizza (Pizza Hut)
Anthony B.
The melted
goes along with
the pepperoni,
the warm crust,
cheese on top,
with pepperoni,
the crunchy crust,
the cheese in
your mouth burning
your tongue, the pepperoni
being spicy,
the crust
tasting good,
becoming hard and
crunchy as it is
while it's cold,
the sauce red
and good tasting,
you want soda,
the pizza almost
over but when
it is you'll
want another
Ode to Oreos
Angel G.
Ode to Oreos,
it fills my stomach with milk,
I would wear pajamas of Oreos,
I would want shoes too,
it's so soft when you dip it in milk,
I like to eat the cream first,
then the cookie,
I would want a bag a week.
Ode to a Guitar
Lucero G.
Sitting in your case,
just waiting for
someone to pick you
You're so pink and
Your strings run
from top to
Your sound is so
It's like you were
a star outshining
all the other ones.
I saw you every
day when I
was walking by
the store,
but now I am
surprised to have
you in my hands
learning how to
play you.
I hope one day
you're a star one
Ode to the Motorcycle
Jonathan P.
Among the streets,
there's a two wheeled
bike with a motor
inside of it,
there's a light in the
front and in the
back, the motorcycle
is just a bike
but with a
motor, it's not
a normal bike
where you pedal,
this bike you
just twist the
handle and off
you go. When
you're on the
street with this
bike it's like
you have
permission to
drive a car.
When you're on
the motorcycle
you have to be
focused and keep your
mind on the road.
When I get on
the motorcycle
I don't think about
anything else.
When I'm on
the motorcycle
I like the
feeling of being
on a motorcycle,
I like the
sound of it and
the design and
the motor of it.
Ode to Hot Chips
Jorge R.
I love hot chips
the smell of hot chips
makes me hyper.
There's other brands
like Doritos, Ruffles, and Funyuns
but still I love hot chips.
In my mouth it seems there's
a party inside every time
I try one. Every time I
taste the very first hot chip
of a bag it tastes so good.
Some people don't like hot chips
because they're not machito enough
to eat them. I love hot chips.
Some people think they're spicy
but to me, no they're not. One
day I wish I owned the hot
chip factory. I love hot chips.
Ode to Basketball
Kevin R.
When the ball bounces
it just gives me
a good feeling inside
as if I just
went to space or something.
When I shoot
the ball and make it
I feel good
when I
miss I
still feel good
inside just
that I had tried
to make
Mrs. Turk, 7th Grade
Ode to Me
Viridiana H.
Walking down the
I see people
looking at me.
Well that's a normal
thing. When people
look at me as you
can see I love me.
Some of the things I
like about me is that
I'm fun to be with and I
like Barney. I like to go out
and see different
things I have never
seen, go shopping, and getting
people mad at me. But some
of the things I hate about
me is that I'm
always forgetting things,
also that I hate me.
I think that's all I love and
hate about me. So what
about you, what do you
like about me?
Ode to Baseball
Jose J.
Baseball is the best
invention ever invented.
The ball is coming,
you swing the bat, hit
the ball, you better
run fast. They catch
the ball, you are
out, the next batter
is up, he hits the
ball, it's a home-
run, he runs around
the bases, touches
home plate, it's a
walk-off, we win
the game.
Ode to My Guitar
Jose M.
I love the way it sounds
and that every time I play
it the volume is
so loud
and that when
I hold a note
it screams loudly
and I love the
way that it
sounds hardcore
and even though I'm
only 12 I can
play my guitar
really good
and I will
never forget
the make
Gibson guitar
and I will also
never forget
the name
I named my
guitar, Jack.
Ode to My Video Games (PSP)
David R.
After a hard day at school,
when I get home
especially on Friday
I come home tired
from all the work
in school but there's
always something that
cheers me
PSP. When I get home
I do my homework and
then it's off to play
my PSP. It shines in
the light, it's
black all around and
the screen is clean.
When you start playing
time goes by pretty
fast. My mom comes
in and tells me that it's
time to stop so I put
it to charge for the next
hard day in school.
Ode to Air Force Ones
Tyler T.
You can wear
them they
can be different
colors and sizes
they will match
your clothes and
they are in style
they are comfortable
you can get
different designs
on them and
you can put shoe
polish on them
so they can be
Ms. Touras, 6th Grade
Ode to a Pencil
John A.
Oh pencil,
life is hard
without you.
You write my
answers and
you erase my
You might
look at the
answers that
I told you
to write.
In you go,
into a
your blade of might.
You fight
with paper
and win.
You're made
of wood
and sometimes
plastic too.
The secret
weapon is
a piece of lead,
leaving the black
stain everywhere.
Ode to a Tree
Danielle D.
It is an important part
Of the world.
Without it people
Would starve to death.
Anything you eat has
Chemicals in it,
Especially food
That is in cans.
All around you,
Trees are what you see.
Without trees,
You will get sun burns
Because nothing is shading you
Under the sun.
They are important to the world.
You'll never get bored of them.
Because of trees,
We have paper
To write on.
If we didn't have
Our cars are gonna be hot
When you let it sit there
For about five hours and your seat is leather
Your bottom will really burn.
I like trees
Because there are a lot
Of different kinds of trees,
Like an Apple tree.
When you look through your window,
What do you see?
Lots of trees.
When you look through a car window,
What will you see?
Trees of course.
Every country
In the world
Has a lot of trees.
Why not plant and water trees?
Ode to a Toy
Alondra F.
Among the store it
is sitting there
glowing, shining,
sitting in a nice, clean
spot, all by itself,
waiting for some-
one to go
pick it up!
It's all alone
with no one!
Begging for someone
to buy it. I
take a step forward
to the glowing, sparkling
toy. I have it in
my hands and
now this
toy is
all mine.