Ms. Barreda, 8th Grade
Untitled (Time Poem)
Lucero G.
An hour back is today, it feels so weird
the nights feel like they would never end.
It's dark by five o'clock, it feels the sun
will never come.
On the hour the sun raised I went to
a beautiful place. The sun goes down so
fast I can't even enjoy the day.
The hour from five o'clock and six o'clock it gets
I walk through night just thinking about things.
Those hours were very thoughtful hours.
But hours seem so short and sometimes
Untitled (Time Poem)
Jose L.
There's always an hour to remember,
the time with your friends,
skating and hanging out all day,
down by Lake Michigan at the Wilson Skate Park.
And also that hour down town,
with the new guy from Philly,
skating at City Hall with the crew,
it was funny how we didn't get kicked out.
Another fun hour was at Thresh Skate Shop,
me, Tony and Rudy,
Glomb, Bam and Missy,
it was such a fun hour,
kids, skateboards and cameras.
Through My Eyes
Jorge L.
Everything is flashing
before my eyes. I see
the war in Iraq.
I see Spongebob
playing with Patrick. I
see Barry Bonds hitting
the home run to make
history. I see Kelso
making out with Jackie.
I see Homer thinking
about food in his
dreams. I see a family
eating at Thanksgiving...
Is that my family or
is that the Brady Bunch?
Anyway I have to stop
flipping through the channels
on the TV. I've wasted three hours
flipping through them.
Ismael V.
Time is very fast.
I wake up in the morning,
go to school, come out,
and it's already 9 o'clock.
I feel like sometimes time is so short
and I want to do a lot of things
but I can't,
tell people that I like how I feel
about them,
like the girl I love I would like
to tell her “I love you” but
then the time is over.
could say what they want to
say so when we die, we die
Mrs. Turk, 7th Grade
Julissa A.
Time slowly passes
One minute after another
Feels like years until one hour passes by
I'm so tired
All I ask is for time to go faster
Raimundo C.
The time goes by
very slow for once I
can hear myself
think so I know time
is going by slow. I get
very tired and bored I could
sleep and you guys won't even
hear a snore. I get so
bored I will decide to
snore. Because time is
going by real slow.
Wake Up!
Jessica G.
It's 6:00 AM,
“Wake up!” I say. These
people stay sleeping.
“Wake up!” I say. Do
I have to throw some-
thing at you? Wait. I
can't. I'm a clock.
“Wake up!” I say. “Yeah,
keep on snoring!”
“Wake up!” I say.
I turn on the AM
radio. Country music.
I turn it off.
“Wake up!” I say. I decide
not to work. I turn off.
Oh great. You're awake.
Untitled (Time Poem)
Lily O.
a day in a new country,
a new house, a new family,
and new faces
a day in the ER, with a broken arm
not even bothering to think, how painful
it is and wondering what's going on in school
a day in China, climbing, falling,
enjoying the view from one of
the watch towers at the Great Wall of
China, wondering how it would feel to
fall off the edge of the wall, and
gazing in awe at one of the seven wonders
of the modern world
the day, climbing up a mountain, feeling
like I'm flying, feeling the wind on my
face, and tangling my hair
one day in school, waiting for another
adventure to enter my life
Tick-Tock Hurry Up
Laesha R.
Tick-tock hurry up
I really wanna
be 15. Every day
I go to
sleep and picture
that I am 15.
Can't wait till the
time comes, oh boy, oh boy
hurry up! I look at the
clock while it goes all
around and wonder why it
goes so slow. Does my
clock even work?
How many hours till that
day? How many minutes
till that hour?
Untitled (Time Poem)
Morgan R.
When we play out on the
playground time flies fast.
But when we take
a test time is slow like as
if the clock will not go.
The time is so slow. We
try to make it go
but it won't move not
even an inch. We all shout
out go go go but it
is too slow it will not
Ms. Touras, 6th Grade
Danielle D.
If I am a clock,
People would look at me every minute
Because if they don't
People who have appointments
Would be late
And they would
Have to wait
If I could travel
To the future
I would want to see
What I've become,
If I'm rich or poor,
If I'm a musician or not,
If I'm a loser or a winner.
But I really want to see
That I'm a rich woman
When I grow up.
A Normal Day
Alyssa L.
There was a day, I
saw a dog that zoomed past
me so fast that it got
cold. I looked at the sky,
the clouds were going so
slow. The clocks going
so fast. People running
on the tracks faster than
lightning. You see the trees
going back and forward.
The waves getting bigger
and bigger. The sea getting
deeper and deeper. That is
a normal day.
Untitled (Time Poem)
James L.
There was a minute where
my mom was telling me
that we just bought a restaurant.
There was an hour
where I saw my friend
training in kung-fu.
There was an hour
when my friend's dog
chased me around, teeth
ready to bite and tiring
me out.
Untitled (Time Poem)
Enrique Q.
It was that time 5:00 PM.
It's finally here, winter.
Jump in the snow, play around.
Hours pass, autumn is here.
The leaves falling. They look
so wonderful. Falling and falling.
I notice it is September,
back to school. Homework,
projects, so much work.
Time goes very fast when
you are having.
Just Stop the Time!
Susana S.
Tick, tock, tick, tock,
stop! If time could
just stop.
No more rush,
no more worry.
Just stop the time.
Do what you want
whenever you want,
you pick out the time.
Just stop the time.
Take your time,
or just rush,
you will never
choose wrong.
Just stop the
No more clocks,
no more alarms,
no more 24 hours,
no more 60 minutes.
Just stop the time.
You never have
to rush,
you never have
to finish. Sleep
at morning,
do what you
want at night.
Come on,
please just.....
stop the time!
Everyone's Clock
Juliana V.
Its eyes wide open from a deep sleep
shining down at us from above
telling us to wake from our deep slumber.
Setting down, saying goodbye, smiling at us
a beautiful sight to remember forever
as he goes on a trip, eyes half open.
Now completely closed, tired from shining
and smiling, the sun goes to bed and
all turns dark as he says goodnight.
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