Ms. Barreda, 8th Grade
Rolando C.
Red is on my mind.
Red starts with two persons.
Red goes straight to the heart.
Red is like blood.
When someone bleeds.
Red is like love.
When two people are in love.
When a guy brings red roses to
a girl, when he tells her that
he likes her, that he's in love
with her.
Red is when somebody
hurts you.
When somebody makes you cry.
Red is like you.
Red is like your heart.
When you die you wouldn't
have no more red in your
Red is like happiness.
Tonya P.
The life of a pure
The white light of heaven.
A single piece of perfect
The other half of yin and
The color of a peaceful dove.
Warm cotton blanket
that protects me from
the dark.
The happiness that gives
me a smile on my face.
Edgar T.
Blue is a very beautiful color,
as bright as the sky, beautiful like
it. When I think or see the color
blue, it really gets my attention.
It's bluetiful.
When the color blue is mixed
it may get me a little more attention.
The color blue is a color everyone
would probably love. It brings light,
Blue is my favorite color
to think of, see.
Diego V.
Black is my room
not only because of
the color of the
walls but because
of the memories.
The memories are
bright just like
the color red.
I've been through
blue and red memories
that I just can't forget.
I wish I could change
someday from black and
red to blue someday.
Mrs. Turk, 7th Grade
Erika C.
Red is
my heart
and it
looks like
a heart
and I
love red
the rose
is red.
Leslie H.
It's the color of the sky at 5 o'clock
when the sun sets in mid summer.
It's the color of a baby's cheeks.
It's my favorite color.
It's the color of my cousin's face when she
It's the color of my iPod.
It's the feeling I have when my
heart is dancing.
It's the inside of a strawberry and the
color of cotton candy.
It's the color of my closet, the color
of my room and the color of my bed.
It's everything I just said.
Jeremy M.
Blue is the color of the
sky that goes
over our heads.
And the waters
below the surface
we stand on.
Blue is the
color of day
and color
of thoughts.
It calms down all
of your problems.
It drifts
you out of
the world
to a world of peace.
Nothing to worry about
and be scared of, the color
Lily O.
Black is the goddess of darkness.
It follows you to the park.
It is not afraid to show itself in broad daylight.
It mimics you in front of the sun.
It follows you into the night.
Night blackens the sky and reveals
the true nature of glittering diamonds far above
the head. Black wears the stars to show the world
that she is wealthy.
Black is the shadow that never leaves
you alone.
Shadow comforts you when you are lonely,
it is your best friend.
Black absorbs heat to keep you warm
even though the sound, Black, is cold and lonely.
It tries to comfort, even when it's lonely.
Black chooses people to comfort, you choose
Black to be your friend.
Alma R.
Green is everywhere
The sound of it rustles with the wind
The grass greens in spring
A leaf greens across the car
Lingers on the window.
I see a green walk in the hall
It waves at me.
I see someone green as they put on
their sweater.
The leg greens as it is bruised
When I was running through the field
And green as I fall on the grass.
Ms. Touras, 6th Grade
Fernando B.
The sun is yellow like a
light bulb
A banana is yellow like a
The protractor is also yellow
like my pencil
My folder is yellow like my
science project board
The sun makes heat just
like the light bulb in your
My favorite color is yellow
I like yellow because
he is so helpful
Elik J.
Blue, its surface is
soft and it feels slow, feeling
blue all around as if blue were
the earth, going round and round, spinning.
Like a jolt of sorrow, it goes
from place to place, going around.
The My Color Town is Change in Clock
Victor N.
So this is my town my town
is always change in like
two o clock is purple. Today my
town clock right now one o clock
is white one hour later is
two o clock is red one hour more
is three o clock is purple one
hour more four o clock is
yellow one hour more is five
o clock is green one hour more
six o clock is orange one hour more
is seven o clock is blue one
hour more is eight o clock is
black one more is nine o clock is
black and white one hour more
is ten o clock is red and green
one more hour it was eleven o clock
it's yellow and blue one hour
more it was twelve o clock it was
Juliana V.
As peaceful as a sunny day.
As calm as the morning sun.
Like a big blanket of snow.
No color just blank.
No thought,
relaxing in peaceful white
never there but always close.
A friend of yours no one can see
so shy it never shows
so clean and calm,
timid, never showing but always there.
I like the color poems its uses a lot of thought to create the poems
- Lily O.
Thanks, Lily!
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